6 Things To Note Before Seeing A Pulmonologist

6 Things To Note Before Seeing A Pulmonologist

Pulmonology is a branch of medicine that deals with diagnosing and treating any complications that might occur in any part of the respiratory tract. A pulmonologist is a doctor who specializes in this field and is qualified and responsible for treating patients that have complications with any part of their respiratory system.

If you experience any respiratory or chest problems like asthma, lung cancer, tuberculosis, pneumonia, or emphysema, the lung doctor or pulmonologist is qualified to treat you. So, don’t hesitate to visit one for regular checkups.

However, before you pay a visit to your pulmonologist, there are a few things you should note:


1. Honesty is key

Do not hold anything back from your pulmonologist! Don’t be ashamed or shy to tell the doctor how you feel. If you self-sabotage, don’t be ashamed of mentioning that, too. The pulmonologist is specially trained to help you.

When you’re honest, it’d help the doctor understand you better. It’d help him give you an accurate diagnosis of your condition, know the tests to run, and the drug prescriptions to make.

Your pulmonologist is not a judge. His job is to understand what you’re experiencing and help you feel better. So, don’t hold back.


2. Every piece of information is important

Do not hide any previous medical conditions you have had from your lung doctor. Share your entire medical history, even the things you consider insignificant, like how you can’t breathe in the cold, a recurring cough and how long it usually lasts, any asthma medicines you are taking, CT scans results from tests you took 5 years ago, X-ray results, blood tests, spirometry reports, et cetera.

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This way, the doctor has an accurate knowledge of your situation. That knowledge would significantly improve their ability to correctly diagnose and solve whatever problem you are having.

3. It may not be as simple as you think

Do not ignore, downplay or exaggerate any symptoms you might experience. Until you’re examined by a pulmonologist, every ache is suspicious! It’s the lung doctor’s job to evaluate each symptom and decide which is minor or not. Let him do it!


4. Previous medication should be examined

Write down all the medications you are currently taking and show them to the pulmonologist. Sometimes, some medications might contain chemicals that may have counterproductive side effects. Therefore, you must inform your doctor of whatever medications you are currently taking, how regularly you take them, and what they were prescribed for.


5. There’s only so much your pulmonologist can do

Even after the pulmonologist does his job, you also have your part to play. So, don’t neglect the instructions you’re given. Take whatever medication is given to you. It doesn’t matter if you feel better or not, complete your dosage!


6. Your respiratory condition is heavily dependent on your weight

Don’t forget to take charge of your weight. Keep track of if, recognize when you’re over/underweight, exercise to keep your weight in check, and eat healthily.


Final words:

Another important thing to take note of is how much you sleep. Lack of regular and quality sleep has been linked to an increased risk of respiratory disease.

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So, ensure you get enough quality sleep and exercise regularly to decrease your chances of developing any respiratory disease. Reach out to us here to book a consultation with a qualified pulmonologist today!


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