Lung Cancer Risks Myths vs. Facts

Lung Cancer Risks Myths vs Facts

Is smoking the only cause of lung cancer? No, it’s not the only cause. Unfortunately, there are many misconceptions about the causes of lung cancer. The leading cause of lung cancer is cigarette smoking. That is,you risk lung cancer when you smoke cigarettes regularly.

However, even people who do not smoke can get lung cancer as a result of their family history or constant exposure to harmful substances like radon or asbestos.

Over the years, there have been conflicting ideas about lung cancer. This article will dispel some common myths about lung cancer.


  1. MYTH: You can only get lung cancer when you’re 60 years old

FACT: Older people are susceptible to disease, but young people who have never smoked cigarettes can also have lung cancer. There are lung cancer patients younger than 50 years, even though the average age of diagnosis is 73.


  1. MYTH: Lung cancer cannot be caused by air pollution

FACT: Exposure to environmental substances such as radon, arsenic, radiation, and asbestos can lead to air pollution. Also, you can develop lung cancer when inhaling smoke from someone smoking a cigarette. Don’t stay around smokers!


  1. MYTH: You can’t escape lung cancer if you’ve smoked for years

FACT: Quitting smoking has its benefits. Your blood circulation improves, and your lungs work better. Your lung cancer risk reduces, and you have a chance to live without the disease for more than ten years. Your chance of dying from the disease reduces as well compared to people who don’t quit smoking.

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  1. MYTH: It’s okay to smoke marijuana.

FACT: Marijuana is medicinal but smoking it is bad. It increases your lung cancer risk. If you smoke pot and cigarettes together, you are increasing your chances of developing lung cancer.


  1. MYTH: Antioxidant supplements protect you from lung cancer

FACT: Researchers continue to examine antioxidants, and two recent studies found that antioxidants can actually make lung cancer spread in certain types of lung cancer. Always inform your doctor before you use any supplements as they are in the best place to offer you medical advice. You can use antioxidants in fruits and vegetables.


  1. MYTH: Smoking is the only cause of lung cancer

FACT: Smoking is the biggest factor. But there are other factors. One is radon, an odorless radioactive gas that can pass slowly into your home or office. You can test your buildings for it, so you don’t inhale it.


  1. MYTH: Secondhand smoking doesn’t cause lung cancer

FACT: Secondhand smoking means inhaling the smoke that comes off a burning cigarette. You are at higher risk of getting lung cancer when you inhale the smoke from a cigarette.


  1. MYTH: Lung Cancer is a Death Sentence

FACT: Thankfully, lung cancer is treatable. Most atients, especially those with early-stage lung cancer, can be treated through several means including surgery, chemotherapy or radiation. This is why regular health checkups are important.


  1. MYTH: There is no point in quitting smoking if you have lung cancer

FACT: Smoking when you have lung cancer makes it worse. People who quit the habit have a better chance of treatment; it also reduces the risk for another type of cancer.

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  1. MYTH: Lung cancer is found in only males

FACT: Lung cancer doesn’t recognize gender. People think since men smoke more often than women, they are the only ones prone to lung cancer.  As long as you are human, you are susceptible to lung cancer if you expose yourself to harmful substances.


Final Words

Understanding the risk of lung cancer is important. If you are experiencing lung cancer symptoms,youcan googlesearchlungcancerdoctornearmetohelp with a proper diagnosis. You can also book an appointment with our experts to answer any questions you might have.



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