Good night sleep is restorative, and absence of regular sound sleep can lead to adverse health effects. Therefore,your constant inability to get a good night’s rest should not be overlooked, which is why we are committed to helping you sleep better.

We evaluate and treat a variety of sleep related breathing disorders: sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, insomnia and unexplained fatigue. You should visit us especially if you have obesity, cardiac disease or diabetes mellitus as well. Our Gastonia location has state-of-the-art Sleep Testing Laboratories and CPAP setup clinic onsite – a one stop shopping concept.

Our sleep related breathing services include:

  • Evaluation and management for insomnia, snoring, sleep apnea and narcolepsy
  • CPAP/BIPAP/Oxygen therapy management and services
  • Sleep lab testing and interpretation
  • AASM accredited sleep center (Gastonia)
  • Actigraphy
“Using our up-to-date facilities at PCC, we will diagnose and treat your sleeping disorder, by formulating a treatment plan based on your needs.This treatment plan will enable you get sustained restful sleep, which translates into a healthier life. “

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